EP7 – Cleanses and Chaos on the Road to a Better Me

Burn the Boats, Baby!
Burn the Boats, Baby!
EP7 - Cleanses and Chaos on the Road to a Better Me

Continue on the transformative journey with me as I share the highs and lows of my ongoing ‘At-Home Retreat’, which has sparked remarkable changes in my well-being. From shedding stubborn pounds to feeling a renewed sense of energy and authentic positivity- in just 5 days.  And while I’ve made some exciting positive changes, it did not keep the voice of criticism from making itself heard.

So, in today’s episode I’ll share a quick update and how I handled the personal condemnation that I was feeling.   Let’s continue this adventure together.


Sharise Parviz: 0:01

All right, good morning. I am on the road today. I have a couple of meetings I have today and so I thought I would take this quick update on the road. And it is quick because I have a meeting in like 15-20 minutes. So anyway, just to give you a quick update on how things are going. So it still looks like my body hasn’t balanced out yet. I lost another pound, so I make six pounds of weight loss since. Oh, I guess Saturday is when I started, right, the actual cleanse, retreat cleanse, anyway. So six pounds, I’m all right. We’ll see how long this this lasts before I start to, you know, even out, but it feels good.

Sharise Parviz: 0:45

One of the things that I’ve noticed is that my face has lost its puffiness. All right, it just it was looking puffy, you know, just puffy, and so you know which I don’t like. I’m not liking my face looking puffy. So I’ve noticed already that the puffiness has gone down. The circles underneath my eyes are slowly fading, which is really nice, because that’s kind of a sign of liver congestion and some adrenal fatigue. So those are starting to come down. Now that I have Sorry for the traffic, hopefully you can hear me just fine. So all the wonderful herbal teas I’m doing I started integrating some liver into my diet yesterday, as planned for stage one and, of course, all the wonderful coffee enemas and all the things I’m doing to detox and I am seeing the results in just what this is Wednesday, thursday, saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday yes, I still count on my hands Five days Not bad, not even a week yet and feeling good.

Sharise Parviz: 1:55

So, yeah, I’m feeling just great. I mean, I got energy and I just I have just a positivity and not like this fake toxic positive, like, oh, all the world is great, isn’t the great, all those great? I don’t mean that because I don’t live that whole that’s thing. Positive thing. Yeah, yeah, no, not, that’s not me so, but I just feel good. You know, my state is excellent, my state is positive. It’s a true, sincere, authentic positive. I want to greet and meet the world. I want to, you know, say hello to all the birdies in the sky. I just feel really good. Um, yeah, I feel great. I’m really happy that I’m doing this. Um, I’ve been needing to do this and I’m realizing how much I’ve been needing to do this. So all is well.

Sharise Parviz: 2:43

So what else I got up and done? I did my yoga this morning, oh, I am so stiff, so stiff, and I was like, why am I stiffer now than I was when I started on Saturday or not? Yet Sunday actually was the first day I did yoga. I was like, oh my gosh, I mean I’m really stiff. Well, and I started getting a little down on myself, like what’s wrong with you? And started to get a little judgy with myself and I’m like and I know the answer. I’m like, okay, seriously, charisse, what? What happened? You know what’s the story behind my stiffness right now? Well, I’ve been working out, I’ve been doing weights yesterday, I, uh, I’m doing weights every other day and then I, yesterday I’m also going back and doing I created a class, a Studio Charisse class.

Sharise Parviz: 3:30

Studio Charisse was the name of my performing arts school and I created a fitness class, um, for, uh, my dancers. But it’s great fitness class for anyone, but it’s great for dancers and it’s all body weight, some dance, but mainly body weight exercises. So I did that yesterday, picked up, started doing my workouts that I designed yesterday I also did, of course, I started doing my footwork again. So I also developed a barre class, which is like a fitness barre class for dancers. It’s not really dance but it’s working on flexibility and strength in the feet, working on flexibility in the calf muscles, working on all the different muscles and strengthening and endurance. That is dance-related. So I used it also for adult barre class like a fitness class because it’s just a fun class too. So all of these classes that I’ve designed my dance classes, my fitness classes, even my yoga class my yoga class isn’t just yoga, it’s yoga, it’s Pilates. There’s just some sports stretching in there. So it’s all kind of a mishmash of all the things that I love and I put together and developed for my students at Studio Charisse, my performing arts school.

Sharise Parviz: 4:51

But then I started getting the parents wanting to come in and join and so I said, sure, come on in. So in my fitness classes I had a lot of parents come in, you know, because they’re sitting out in the lobby anyway waiting for their daughters to, and most of them I mean I had a few boys, but most in my acting classes I had more boys than in my dance classes, but you know. So they just sit out in the lobby and I had a big screen TV out in the lobby so they could see what was going on in the classroom and they’re like I really want to do that class. That looks like fun. And I said come on and join. So I had dancers in there of all levels beginners all the way up to, you know, my advanced dancers. And then I also had parents in there who just like, have never done a dance class or even really even worked out. So it’s great for all levels and for all goals, right? Some of my dancers use it, obviously, to help them in their dance ability, strength and flexibility, and those who are non-dancers are just using it for general, you know, fitness. So, anyway, so I started that yesterday.

Sharise Parviz: 5:55

So I’m like Sharice, come on, why are you being so hard on yourself? I mean this you’re starting to work out, you’re starting to do your fitness training, you’re starting to do your dance training again, of course, you’re going to be stiff, that’s normal. I know this, I know this. It’s funny because you know, you can know this stuff and I’ve known this stuff for over 20 years. I know this Hello, I have inflammation going because my muscles are sore or whatever. All this is normal, chill out, you know. And. But I have to remind myself. It’s just so funny, even if you know the stuff. Yeah, you tend to forget it, you know. I mean, it’s just. It’s just, it’s human nature is what it is and you learn that. You know, you just learned and just okay, well, this is just normal.

Sharise Parviz: 6:40

No, I’m gonna feel this way, a little disappointed that you feel like you’re backtracking, but you’re really not, and so once my body gets adjusted, it’ll go. Oh yeah, I remember this is where you want to go. You know I’ll get back my splits and I’ll get back all these things. But you know I started to get a little judgy so I had to step back and remind myself hey, look at all that you’re doing. Of course you’re going to be a little stiff, that’s OK, give yourself time. I may take an extra long magnesium bath today when I get home from my meetings, and that’ll help to relax the muscles too. So, all that being said, feeling good, let’s see what else. Diet’s going really well. I think I’ll do one more day on stage one and then, starting tomorrow, I’ll start on stage two, and I think that’s it. I think that’s all I have to say Today on a level that’s a little more personal.

Sharise Parviz: 7:34

You know, in my heart is today is my, would have been my mother’s birthday. I guess it’s still her birthday, I don’t know and uh, so she will have been gone. She has now have been gone for two years. Yeah, that’s, and I’ll connect with my sister and my brother and my stepdad and make sure they’re doing okay. I’m sure they’ll visit the grave site, put some flowers down and, you know, we’ll just um, just spend some time, you know, together on the phone and and honor her. You know, do some wishing well to her, you know, and honor her. You know, do some wishing well to her. You know, just send her some loving wishes from our hearts and, um, and that’s about it.

Sharise Parviz: 8:16

You know, I although I do want to talk about something and I’m this is going to be just real briefly. You know, I’ve been thinking today, when I okay, so I know all this stuff, I’ve been trained in all this stuff, and yet, even still, I get super duper judgmental, you know, of myself sometimes and, like I did today, I started to get there and I caught myself, and so I started thinking about being judgmental, and not just, you know, of others and of ourselves too. And I have to admit, and I’m going to talk about this, I think I’m going to think about it a little bit more and how I want to talk about this, but think about it tomorrow that you know how being judgmental Some people are just judgmental by default. Actually, I am one of those people. You know I can be very judgmental, very super critical of people, and always have been, and I, of course, I’ve learned in time and through my training and through experience that, um to now learn how to have compassion instead of condemnation Right and so, and how I did that and why I did that?

Sharise Parviz: 9:25

Because, you know, living in a place of constantly judgment, I mean critical of you somebody’s driving too slow, or somebody’s talking too slow, or somebody’s moving too slow, slow, I’m impatient, I have to admit I’m a little bit impatient, but you know someone, you know it’s talking too slow or thinking too slow or whatever they. You know, whatever it is that I’m being judgmental about, you know, really, it’s poisoning me. It’s poisoning me, it makes me not feel good. You know they may not even be aware that I’m, you know, judging them, but I’m aware. I think maybe on a subconscious level, they’re aware too, though, because we put out the energy, you know, and so, but um, I know that I’m poisoning me with this, you know, judgmental thinking and feeling, and the more than I am judgmental of others, well, I’m also judging myself, right the same measure that I judge others, actually even worse.

Sharise Parviz: 10:16

Most of the time, people who are judgmental are doubly hard on themselves, and I have always been that way with me too. And you know, until I learned doesn’t mean that I still don’t go there, right? I think it’s kind of like we have default. You know, I learned doesn’t mean that I still don’t go there, right? I think it’s kind of like we have default. You know settings and we go, and then I go up wait, I’m going back there. So I’ll go there, like I did today with myself, and then I’ll catch myself.

Sharise Parviz: 10:40

And so I was going to share with you a little bit about what I do tomorrow I don’t have time today because I got to get off here about a little bit about how to turn judgment and condemnation into understanding and compassion. And let’s be honest, we really need that in today’s world, because this world is upside down and inside out and going, moving backwards, and I mean it’s a crazy world we live in right now and it’s really easy to condemn and really easy to judge. I mean, we’re so divided today’s world, and while there are, you know, some reasons that we do need to put boundaries and lines in the sand on on things and we don’t condone bad behavior, sometimes we benefit and others can benefit and grow and learn and be open to evolving and become their higher self when we tap into our higher self and that part of ourselves is the compassionate side, not the condemning side. All right, but that’s for tomorrow. Listen, have a beautiful, wonderful day.

Sharise Parviz: 11:51

Thank you for hanging in there with my driving and hopefully the sound is going to be okay. I’m posted anyway. I told you, shooting from the hip. That’s what I’m doing. Have a beautiful day and talk to you soon. Bye-bye.