Beware of Health Scams

If you are new to the health and wellness space and will be looking to improve your health now that we’ve learned how corrupt our food and medical establishments are, please beware. You will try to be sold all sorts of vitamins and supplements and things you just don’t need.

Just today I was watching the news and saw so many advertisements for this vitamin or that. This healthy drink powder, and on and on.

People will try to take advantage of you. Please be careful. Most supplement companies are now owned by Big Food Industries, Big Pharma, or other Big Corp that have no real interest in your health. This goes for “Healthy” food companies, as well. (See my post on Companies Who have Sold Out)

For example: Burt’s Bees, which used to be a wonderful product, is now owned by Clorox, Garden of Life is owned by Nestle, and these are just a few. So, the quality and purity of the once-loved products may be questionable. This goes for “Natural foods”, too. Primal Kitchen condiments are now owned by Heinz and Bayer (who also owns Monsanto) owns many food labels – even many so-called “healthy” ones.

Here are some things to focus on first.

1. Food: Real food you cook yourself that is full of health-giving animal fats and proteins, fermented foods, and ideally, produce and meats purchased from your local farmer/farmer’s market. Meat stocks or bone broths provide the necessary collagen that no powder could ever compete with.

2. Nature: Get out and get some sun and put your feet on the ground. Make sure to eat cholesterol-rich foods (cholesterol is not the devil, really) such as pastured eggs because cholesterol+sun creates Vid D.

3. Movement: Do something you love that brings you fun and joy, and begin slowly. Doing what you enjoy will help you stay consistent.

4. Mind: No matter how well you eat or move, if you’re stressed, your body can’t digest or heal. Your thoughts, beliefs, and what you expose yourself to (or who) are as important, if not more, than the food you eat or supplements you take.

So, breathe, pray, learn simple meditation techniques that anyone can do (no matter how busy your mind).

5. Minimize supplements. Fish oil, cod liver oil, and minimal food-based supplements only from trusted sources.

6. Finally, go slow: start with one change and add in as you go. It’s not a race. Good health is a life-long journey and can be started at any age. You don’t need to overwhelm yourself. Listen to what your body and mind need, try different things, and treat it all as an experiment to minimize pressure.

There is no perfection, only progression.

Here’s an episode to inspire your next steps. If you enjoy, please subscribe & share to get more Heath & Wellness tips (without the BS).