What Did I Get Myself Into??

This week, I started my 6 month journey in becoming a certified Life Coach. I am not sure if I want to be a life coach, quite honestly, so why did I decide to do it?. Well, for selfish reasons, really. As my husband and I begin our next chapter in our lives, I don’t […]

Choco-Goji Treats

So yummy and a healthier sweet to eat! TIP: As you know I’m a big proponent of soaking your nuts/seeds for better digestion and nutrient absorption. For this recipe, you’ll want to prep your seeds before making these yummy treats by soaking and drying them to make them “crispy”. To Soak: Soak sunflower seeds in […]

Bored as Hell

“How I feel everyday I’m surrounded by the other ballet students…. my flexibility is going very well but the fact that these girls are just pulling it out from the get go XD THE BETRAYAL IS TOO MUCH TO BEAR“ This was a post from an adult dancer who was sharing his flexibility frustrations in […]

Committed to the Practice not the Product

I have been totally immersed in the book The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin. It is both inspirational and filled with practical insights. The idea I’m hooked on right now is committing to the practice (the process) of your creative work without focusing on the product (the end result). I have to admit […]

1 Way to Stay on Target & Motivated in your Training.

How do you stay on target and motivated in your dance training? I love scheduling. I’m a list maker so scheduling (and checking off that to do list) is in my nature. So How do you stay on target and motivated in your dance training? my training. I do it every Sunday night for the […]

Improving your Leaps as an Adult

Do you want to improve your leaps, but afraid you’re too old or weak to do so?? Here is my suggestion (based on my own experience) to a dancer who had the same concern: Question: “any ideas on improving leaps at a late stage. I have weak knees and now a weak ankle. A long […]

You don’t have the body to be a dancer…

Have you ever been told that? I have – ever since I was young. I was short, muscular AND curvy (I got hit with the double whammy), and didn’t have the “perfect” turnout. I remember feeling so dejected. I saw all these beautiful dancers I took class with who were tall, lean and straight like […]

Challenge Yourself Today

Coming back to training after closing my studio and getting back into my groove was tough! I hadn’t really trained. I mean reeeally trained for almost 4 years. I was sluggish, out of shape, my diet sucked and honestly I felt really discouraged. But I was determined to begin again. My body and soul needed […]

Don’t Forget your Supporting Leg

Yes, every dancer wants great extentions and beautiful lines. But in our efforts, let’s remember the most important leg is not the “working leg”, but the leg we stand on. Without a strong supporting leg, it doesn’t matter how high your leg goes if you’re wobbling all over the place. You’ll never be able to […]

Train your Turnout without Cheating

While this exercise can be done without the turnout board, a turnout board is nice for its smoothness and to measure your progress (this one has degrees of measurement so you can track your progress!).You’ll see that one of my legs has more turn out than the other and I want to work on equalizing […]

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