Beware of Health Scams

If you are new to the health and wellness space and will be looking to improve your health now that we've learned how corrupt our food and medical establishments are, please beware. You will try to be sold all sorts of vitamins and supplements and things you just don't need.…

Don’t Throw Away Your Coffee Grounds!

Coffee grounds have many uses from gardening to beauty, and some say, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Here's another fun list I've collected over the years. Now, I haven't tried everything on the list, but the ones I've tried, I've gotten great results (such as in the garden and as…

Time-Saving Cleaning Tips

Don't you wish there was a cleaning genie who could come and magically clean your house? I remember when I was young, I told my mom, "When I grow up, I'm getting a housekeeper." She told me, " You'll just end up cleaning up right behind her. " She was…

Uses For Salt & Baking Soda

Another fun list I've collected over the years! This one is for the many household uses for salt and baking soda. Some of them are dated (which makes them fun to read). Some made me go "Huh??" and others I'm going to have to try. Sit back and enjoy (an…

Over 100 Uses for Vinegar

I have collected these tips and tricks and uses for vinegar over the years and thought I'd share.I was just floored when I saw all the many uses for this basic household item. Now I don't know how effective some of the uses are, as I haven't tried them all,…

Keeping a Green Home

Keeping it green in your home not only is healthier for you and the environment, but for your wallet, too. Making use of mixing simple ingredients to make your own cleaners will save you money.Many of those so-called "green cleaners" still have questionable ingredients and can be expensive!  And those…

Caring For Your Cast Iron Cookware

I love my cast iron skillets and have been using them for decades. In fact I have the same pans I had 20 years ago! You treat them right and they will last you a long time. Why Cast Iron Cookware Cast iron cookware is heavy-duty, versatile, valued for its…

Make Your Own Hummingbird Nectar

Hummingbird Nectar Recipe Ingredients 1 part sugar/4 parts water Directions Boil water in pan Add sugar and cook until sugar dissolves.  Cool before filling feeder.Store extra in refrigerator until ready to use. Tips: Do not add artificial food coloring as it can cause harm to hummingbirds. However, I just learned…

Covid Vaccines for Children – Please read

While we all have to make the decision that is right for us, this information most likely won't be shown on Mainstream Media. So I wanted to pass the information onto you, so you can make an informed decision that's right for your family. Email from Weston Price Foundation: For…

The Joy of a Healthy Home

For me, keeping an organized, clean and de-cluttered home keeps my mind organized and de-cluttered. Keeping up on your home saves time, energy and sanity. Letting things pile up and fill your "to do list" to overflowing is overwhelming, stressful, and depressing. While walking into a house that is orderly…