Develop Empathy & Improve Your Relationships

In today's world of being busy, busy, busy, it can be hard to take the time to truly try to understand someone. Online friendships, texting, and emails have also made it difficult to connect with others on a deeper level. But developing empathy will help you build better relationships -…

Hit That Bull’s Eye

The first step in achieving success in anything in life is effective goal setting.  When you can define what it is you truly want, when you can see with laser-like focus your desires, then you have a better chance in achieving it.  I believe that. I've experienced that. But, we have to…

Dream A Little Dream

A few days ago, I came across an old blog post from at least 15 years ago and while my children are now grown (with children of their own), and though my struggles may now be different, I still face challenges, as I'm sure you do. So, I thought I'd…

What’s Age Got To Do With It? Whenever I hear someone my age (52) or even younger say what they can't do because of their age, I shut my ears. I'm like Teflon and I don't let it stick. I just won't receive it. I've known abuse and abandonment. I've suffered loss. I've overcome depression and…

Do You Know Your Why?

Maybe you think you know why you want what you want. But do you? Do you have a hard time staying committed to your goals? Do you struggle sticking to habits that you know will propel you to the life you want?Or do you have difficulty breaking habits that are…

How to Plan for Success

You may have heard the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." And I thoroughly agree. I learned the importance of planning and scheduling while I was in college and raising two kiddos. Since then I've always been a planner. Why? Because planning keeps me focused and…

Committed to the Practice not the Product

I have been totally immersed in the book The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin. It is both inspirational and filled with practical insights. The idea I'm hooked on right now is committing to the practice (the process) of your creative work without focusing on the product (the end…

Challenge Yourself Today

Coming back to training after closing my studio and getting back into my groove was tough! I hadn't really trained. I mean reeeally trained for almost 4 years. I was sluggish, out of shape, my diet sucked and honestly I felt really discouraged. But I was determined to begin again.…