What is Energy Coaching?

I get asked, ‘What is Energy Coaching?’

Unlike placing your healing into another’s hands, with Energy Coaching you will learn to heal, restore and empower your own energy – helping you to connect with God, yourself and others.

What is Energy Coaching?

Energy Coaching plays a unique role, distinct from other forms of healing. In most healing modalities, the practitioner works with the client in a hands-on way.

In contrast, the Energy Coach teaches and guides the client verbally, empowering them to develop their own relationship with healing energy. In other words, it’s the client, not the coach, who provides the energy connection for healing.

Through a series of sessions, the client learns skills for emotional wellness, spiritual evolution, energy balance, somatic (body) communication, inner spiritual healing, clarity with boundaries, and much more.

Along the way a person’s intuition becomes empowered. They learn to speak their truth and live their life in alignment with their own values and modes of being. They awaken the power within themselves to create a meaningful and loved filled life.

Energy coaching is a transformative approach that guides clients toward achieving balance, revitalization, and healing in their mind, body, and spirit. The purpose of energy coaching is to empower clients to become their own healers, using energy exercises and processes that tap into their intuition, creativity, and spiritual expansion.

What Does an Energy Coach Do?

Well, the journey of energy coaching begins with an exploration of your current emotions, thoughts, and experiences. The coach then navigates a client’s transformation with the help of questions and exercises geared toward gaining clarity and awareness about their energy patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that may be blocking their well-being. With this newfound awareness, clients can shift their energy and release blockages, develop the ability to heal, find greater purpose, awareness, connection and self-love.

Through energy coaching, with me, you will learn to:

  • Ground your energy in your body and in connection with earth element.
  • Practice somatic meditation techniques that include breathing, energy exercises, and movement and help to work with pain in the body.
  • Allow your Higher Self to be fully experienced.
  • Expand your awareness, focus, and attention skills.
  • Know your own healthy power and wisdom.
  • Align your intentions with your actions to live in purpose.
  • Learn to self regulate your nervous system and reduce stress.
  • Feel your emotions with acceptance and kindness.
  • Release yourself from unhealthy communication and relationship patterns.
  • Heal blocks and let go of stuck energy.
  • Connect with your inner resources of God, nature, archetypes, the 5 elements, grace, light, guides, angels, and the wisdom of our ancestors.
  • Experience healing and guided meditation journeys that help you receive your own intuitive wisdom.
  • Communicate and transform beliefs, issues, and energy with healing metaphors.
  • Bring your own healing energy to your body, mind and spirit through all parts of your life and time.
  • Expand connection, love, and relaxation with family members and friends.
  • Create healthy boundaries for clarity and purpose.
  • Develop your spiritual life and goals, what brings you that deeper connection, inner wisdom, and truth within.
  • Find different ways to experience joy.
  • Overcome stress by understanding the underlying energy to be transformed.
  • Create relaxation.
  • Get in touch with your spiritual drive, path, and the intentions that you have.
  • Learn to work with your creative mind, create resources, healthy boundaries, restore lost healthy power, learn to love and connect with self, others, and God.

Because you have been given a divine gift and resource and you can learn to be your own best healer

Energy Coaching is a crucial part of all my trainings!

The Virtual Experience Coming Soon!

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